Chillies Peppers offer a number of health benefits. Let me tell you more.

Since ancient times, chillies, both fresh and dried, have been used to boost the body. Chillies have been used externally to relieve pain and internally to cure the blues.

Globally pepper is known for its high nutritional value, health benefits and medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, and has antimicrobial and anticancer properties. Chillies have preventive and therapeutic properties for many ailments such as different types of cancer, rheumatism, stiff joints, bronchitis and colds, headaches, arthritis, heart arrhythmias and many other ailments. 

Chillies most widely used for spice; the powerful punch you get adding that special flavor to many dishes has so much more in its package. Today its use has extended to blending extracts for various pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Chillies literally packs a palace of benefits.


Celebrated today, however Lemons should be enjoyed everyday. Love me some Lemons!